don't be sad!!!!!

don't be sad!!!!!

Blog Article


Being sad or upset is normal for every human being and it cannot be said that no one has ever been sad or not!! There are many factors that cause this feeling of sadness, but we have to think about ourselves, and not let this sadness = depression!


 Life events can make people feel sad, which is not a concern at all. The loss or absence of a loved one, divorce, loss of job and income, financial problems or family issues can all have a negative effect on the mood and make a person feel sad.


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Inactivity, not working, or experiencing other disappointing events can also cause sadness.

Sad = depression + very useful solutions


It can be said that these issues make a person sad, and crying is a very good way to relieve this sadness, and you should remove these negative things...


Grief usually goes away with time. If a person cannot resume his normal function over time, it can be a symptom of depression.


  Sad = depression + very useful solutions


Reasons to be sad

painful life


Hard and difficult life with problems in everyday things 


A person who starts his day faces old or new problems, which causes anxiety and stress, which ultimately leads to sadness.


Of course, some people experience discomfort and discomfort because they are clinically depressed. In fact, these people are suffering from a mental illness that affects the level of chemical secretion in their brain, and as a result, their mood is affected by this issue.


Being sad is different from depression, and depression is a disease that must be treated by a doctor 


Comparing ourselves to others = Why should we compare ourselves to others? 


We should not compare ourselves and our lives and achievements with anyone because it becomes a big reason to be sad and we look for an excuse to show that the achievements of others are better than ours. So try never to compare. 


We should create passion for what we have and enjoy and be grateful for our achievements and make our environment happy with them. 


In order to make life beautiful for ourselves and those around us, we must leave and forget this bad habit and see our loved ones.


Worried and stressed


Worry is actually anxiety about a future over which you have no control. Through worry, you experience feelings of helplessness and hopelessness because you anticipate bad future outcomes even when there is no evidence of them.


Your inability to control the situations you worry about and the resulting feelings of helplessness prevent you from experiencing positive emotions.




Bad financial situation


When you're constantly reminded that you're in financial debt, you'll naturally feel bad about yourself and your level of life satisfaction will drop dramatically. Instead of starting the process of paying off debts and loans, it makes you feel lighter and happier.






Ways to overcome sadness



be thankful


Focusing on the positive actually changes your brain's chemical balance and boosts your sense of happiness.


Let's be thankful and don't neglect God's blessings. Let's spend our day well by being grateful and writing good days in a notebook or memory. Create a happy environment for ourselves. 




Let's throw away the happy song = the sad music

This is the most important issue, throw away the sad song and try to listen to happy and beautiful songs, make your environment happy with these things and clear your mind with negative thoughts and issues. 


Attend more events to get rid of loneliness and meet new and happy friends. Create a challenge for yourself and fill your car time with planning.




Be kind to those around you


When you do good things for others and see the positive impact it has on them, you naturally experience more satisfaction and happiness. We all know this instinctively, but it's good to know that research has also proven it.


Cook for your sick neighbor. Thank the store cashier for his patience and countless other things.


Even a little kindness to others can have a big impact on improving your mood and increasing the sense of happiness in your life.








Make your mind happy = get rid of negative mindset


A very important topic, make your mentality happy???? You can create a happy mentality for yourself only by thinking about the past and happy memories 


Instead of letting "negative biases" rule your mind, think about the things that made you happy in the past.


Instead of negative things taking your mind and negative mentality, think about happy things, future, future and past and remember the happiness, whenever your mind wants to be left to negativity, with things such as happy new song, happy story, conversations And do happy jokes, happy series and movies or whatever you feel has an effect on you to be happy. 


Try to remember the emotions you experienced in those happy moments and feel them with all your being.


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