A Book for Love: Meaningful Valentine's Day Gifts

A Book for Love: Meaningful Valentine's Day Gifts

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As February 14 approaches, shops and streets are decorated with beautiful colors. Valentine's Day, or the day of love, is an opportunity to express our feelings to our partner or those we love. First, let's look at the history and meaning of this day.

Where does the origin of Valentine come from?


Why do we fall in love? And the relationship of the song

There is some controversy about Valentine's origins, and the line between myth and history is sometimes blurred. In general, in the third century AD, Christians in the Roman Empire were under severe pressure and hardships to practice Christian beliefs and their lives were in danger. February 14th remains as a memorial to the composition of the priest Valentine, which dealt with the myth of the rescue of young Christians from marriage forbidden by the emperor Claudius II.

  Claudius II believed that single soldiers were better suited for war than married soldiers. Valentine, who considered this decision wrong, romantically leads Christian youths to marriage.

By order of the emperor, priest Valentine was executed in 269 AD, but Christians kept the name and memory of Valentine alive. The Catholic Church believes that there are a number of priests named Valentine, but it is clear that Father Valentine helped the early Christians and sacrificed his life for them.

Two centuries later, Pope Gelasius I named February 14th after Valentine, and Father Valentine was recognized as the patron saint of lovers in the Catholic Church. Some think that this change was made by the Pope in order to Christianize the pagan festival called Lupercalia (Feast of Fertility). It should be noted that after the banning of Lupercalia, the Pope registered Valentine's Day in the Christian calendar.

Where does the origin of Valentine come from?

Sepandar Mazgan celebration and connection with Valentine's Day

In the traditional Iranian calendar, the 5th of Esfand or the 29th of Bahman is known as the Sepandar Mozhgan Festival or Lovers' Day.

 Sepandarmaz is a symbol of fertility in this calendar and is known as a patron deity of faithful women.

On this day, like Valentine, men give gifts to their wives. The proximity of the dates of Valentine and Sepandar Mezhgan to each other increases the possibility that these two ceremonies have common origins.

 Celebrating Valentine in Iran and the world

Under the influence of extensive communication and the phenomenon of globalization, the habits and customs of the western world have also spread to other parts of the world. In most countries, giving flowers is a common custom on Valentine's Day. Offering chocolates and greeting cards is also one of the functions of this day. However, in some countries, efforts are being made to restrict Valentine's Day, and the reasons for these restrictions are varied.

The role of Valentine's marketing

Many believe that companies and advertising have played an important role in spreading the concept of Valentine and have made a lot of profit from it. A large part of the sales increase on this day due to advertising campaigns. This day of love as a festive event increases sales in various industries and provides a good platform for advertising campaigns.

In general, we should not have a general view of these social phenomena. Love and expression of feelings do not need Valentine's Day. However, some people are not fond of this day for religious or nationalistic reasons. But this tradition can be seen as an opportunity to express love for any religion.

In the following, we will present written introductions that you can present to others as gifts on Valentine's Day.

 **"All About Love"**

"True love defines us. We find the true meaning of life not alone, but with another."

Love is a subject that concerns us all, so it is very important to know about love. The book "All About Love" by Bell Hooks offers a kind of new and deep look at this human phenomenon, focusing on the psychological, sexual and social aspects of love.

This book is written in a simple and understandable language for all people, without complex specializations, and it is suitable for all people of any age and gender. In this book, topics such as transparency, justice, honesty, and commitment in a love relationship, ethics and the effect of love on societies, common interests and even divine love are explored. This book shows us that love is not just an emotion, but a basic need for peace, coexistence, intimacy, empathy and security. This book should be read next to a quiet and silent music that can be felt

Why do we fall in love? And the relationship of the song

**"Why do we fall in love? and the relationship between the song and the song "**

The human brain has a complex and strange structure. Helen Fisher and her colleagues have analyzed the differences in their brains compared to others by using brain scans of people in love. In the book "Why do we fall in love?", we tried to provide answers to the subject of love with a scientific approach.

Also, in a romantic relationship, listening to a romantic song has a great impact on the brain and human being, which makes the two-way relationship bigger and more beautiful.

Most of the people who just fell in love go to sad, light and relaxing music, you see life more beautiful and the energy is hidden inside them, which is visible from their eyes.

 This book examines the history of love, its different definitions and the changes that have occurred over time. It also deals with the effects of love on the human brain and the changes in blood flow in the brain of lovers. If you are looking for answers to questions about romantic relationships and love, this book can be a fascinating and scientific resource.

**"Hold me tight"**

Dr. Sue Johnson introduces 7 conversations in this book

important that play a key role in building a relationship. These conversations form important and defining moments in romantic relationships. By reading this book, you can learn principles and techniques that will help you improve your relationship and create deeper intimacy and connection with your romantic partner.

This book has recently been recognized as an authoritative resource for improving romantic relationships, and is useful for young couples who are newly married or have been together for many years. If you feel that your relationship is in jeopardy or that you alone need to improve, this book can help you.

**Note:** Finally, note that giving books as gifts on Valentine's Day shows the importance of reading culture and sharing knowledge and interests you and your partner share.

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