The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

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The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

The contemporary history of Iran from the end of the 19th century until today has been full of social, political and cultural changes and developments.

The contemporary history of Iran from the end of the 19th century until today has been full of social, political and cultural changes and developments. Music, as one of the cultural pillars, has always played a significant role in these developments and has been a reflection of the changes in Iranian society. In this article, we will travel through time by looking at the contemporary history of Iran and the influence of music on it.

Qajar era: the beginning of changes

The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

At the end of the Qajar era, Iran was facing many economic and political problems. In this era, music was mostly played in courts and private circles, and public access to it was limited. But with the arrival of the first western instruments in Iran, a new sound resonated in this country. The arrival of piano and violin in Iran and their combination with traditional Iranian instruments such as tar and santoor was a turning point in the history of Iranian music.

The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

  Pahlavi period: modernization and new music

With the inauguration of Reza Shah Pahlavi in ​​1925, Iran entered the era of modernization. During this period, many efforts were made to modernize and westernize Iran. Music was not excluded from these changes. Music schools were established and Iranian musicians were sent to Europe for training. Also, radio entered Iran as a new media and brought music to people's homes. This period saw the emergence of great artists such as Ali Naghi Waziri, who played an important role in combining traditional and western music.

Islamic revolution: fundamental changes

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 fundamentally changed Iran. With the change of the government system and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, music underwent profound changes. In the early years after the revolution, many restrictions were imposed on music. Some instruments were banned and many artists were forced to leave the country. But over time, traditional and religious music gained a special place and concerts of traditional music and religious tunes were broadcasted on TV and radio.


With the passage of time and social and political changes, pop music found its place again in Iran. Inspired by western music and combining it with Iranian culture, young artists created new styles. Pop and rock songs gradually became popular among young people and pop music concerts were held. Artists like Shadmehr Aghili and Abi attracted many audiences with their songs.

The 2000s witnessed the emergence of underground music in Iran. Despite government restrictions and pressures, young artists used the Internet and social networks to bring their music to the public. New music styles such as rap and hip-hop flourished in this decade. With their social and critical poems, they became the voice of the young generation.

The voice of history: contemporary developments in Iran

The influence of music on social changes

Music has always reflected social and political changes. In different eras, artists have conveyed their messages to the society using music. During the Qajar era, music had more entertainment and court aspect. But upon entering the Pahlavi era and after, music became a tool to express social and political protests. During the Islamic Revolution, religious music played a significant role in attracting people to revolutionary ideals. In recent decades, underground and pop music has been the voice of protests and demands of the young generation.

Music and national identity

Music is one of the important elements of Iranian national identity. From traditional to pop and underground music, each has played an important role in preserving and transmitting Iranian culture and identity. The traditional music of Iran with its unique instruments and special tunes has always been a symbol of Iranian culture. On the other hand, pop and underground music, with the combination of western and Iranian elements, shows the changes and social and cultural developments of Iran in the contemporary era.

Future vision

Considering the rapid social and technological changes, the future of music in Iran still looks bright and dynamic. Despite the limitations and challenges, Iranian artists introduce their music to the world audience using new technologies and social networks. The integration of tradition and modernity continues and Iranian music will continue to play an important role in Iran's future developments as one of the pillars of national culture and identity.

In the end, it can be said that music has not only reflected Iran's historical and social developments, but has also been an important factor in shaping these developments. From the Qajar era until today, music has always played an important role in the lives of Iranians and has been accompanied by changes and developments. The future of music in Iran will continue to be bright and full of innovation due to the dynamism and creativity of artists.

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